Funny, Prankster Cat Loves to Play Hide and Seek [VIDEO]


This is Gaston and he’s 2 ½ years old. He is so photogenic and funny so I included some pictures. Currently adoptable at River Kitty. He is built like the “real” Gaston from the movie. In fact, I would say….

“When he was a lad, he’d eat 4 bowls of food every morning to help him get large. Now that he’s grown, he eats 5 bowls of food, so he’s roughly the size of a baaaaarge.”

(Disclaimer: don’t let your cat eat that many bowls of food a day!)

But really, “There’s no cat [downtown] as admired as him. He’s everyone’s favorite guy. Everyone’s awed and inspired by him and it’s not very hard to see why!”

Adoption fee is $40 for Gaston. Price of the bad Disney parodies to be determined.

Also, River Kitty has officially scheduled their first few kitty yoga sessions. First one is Father’s Day, Sunday morning June 17th. Then they have three other Wednesday evening sessions in June & July. Get details on their Facebook page.