Henry’s Cat: The Funny Day Free Audiobook



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Format: Unabridged
Written by: Stan Hayward
Release date: 1/1/2012
Duration: 10 mins
Language: English
Genre: kids, ages 5-7

Laid-back daydreamer Henrys Cat gets up to mischief and adventures with the help of his best friends in the animal world. Dodging Constable Bulldog the policeman and trying not to annoy Farmer Giles, Henrys Cat tries all sorts of activities from song-writing to working as a Special Agent for the government!
In The Funny Day, Henrys Cat decides to play some pranks and tell some jokes to make everybody laugh, but things dont turn out quite how Henrys Cat had anticipated!
Mike Harding reads this exciting episode written by Stan Hayward.

Contact me for any question: reqabk@gmail.com