面白い猫ちゃん動画Bottlefeeding abandoned newborn kittens / cute kittens , Kitten Formula , funny cat




Guys I found these kittens just in time in an old box ready to be thrown away. I used different human formula since I couldn’t find any kitten replacement formula or cat milk formula, only 1 human formula worked.

Kitten update : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0n6E47EksNU

Funny Cat fights : https://youtu.be/jmDgpGtbC7w

Please check out my website for more information about how to feed abandoned newborn kittens without kitten replacement formula.
link to the website: http://artisticmilestones.com/2015/05/01/how-to-take-care-of-abandoned-newborn-kittens-without-kitten-replacement-formula/