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Funny Cat Videos Try not to Laugh or Grin ►Funny Cats Compilation of the Most Funny Animals.
I know we live with a house panther and a mini tiger… what about YOU?
Big cats do belong in the wild and I wish man could respect that, but love the efforts of this organisation as without them big cats would have been extinct long ago. I have lived with the domestic cat all my life and would never have a home without one. I have rescued and adopted all my life and the latest, the best and only black cat (as she will be 12 this year) loves boxes too. Love your work and love the videos of CAM xx all the way from the UK
The “domesticated” cats are only partially domesticated. If the humans disappeared they would have trouble surviving in some places but after a few generations the survival rate would go up and they would be able to live without our help with no trouble. But I hate thinking on that because I can not survive without my furbabies and keep my sanity. Sekmet is actually my unofficial therapy cat. Trying to make sure my blood pressure doesn’t go too high and watches for depression. We humans and domesticated felines live side by side and we humans are the clear winners of this arrangement.
Bast (the gray) Ambush Kitty, and The Almighty Sekmet Kitten.