Try Not To Laugh OR GRIN While Watch This Challenge! Best Funny and Fail Compilation (Vines and Videos) Top Funny
(laugh because it releases endorphins.
The man laughed.
Depending on the force with which it occurs, the rice may vary in terms of length and tone and functions. So we have different words to describe what we see different kinds of rice: snap, laugh, laugh, laugh, contempt, desperate, nervous laughter, equívoca.6 Other: caquino Clashing evil laughter, sobbing.
Among the emotional signals are smiles the most contagious of all, and the fact promotes positive feelings smiles. Try Not To Laugh OR GRIN While Watch This Challenge! Best Funny and Fail Compilation Videos As the same rice, the smile is innate deaf and blind children and smile. It usually occurs within six weeks of life and is the first language of man. First, it is a physical behavior and gradually progress to the emotional behavior. Smiling gesture of self-induction can improve our mood. Another feature is to induce an increase in NK cell activity and improve our state inmunológico.7
Some studies show that laughter varies by sex. Women tend to laugh a singing way, while men tend to laugh sniffing or grunting. [Edit]
Laughter Physiology [Edit
Position of the limbic system.
Laugh, cry, it is an involuntary action for most people. Its operating mechanism is in breathing, and interruption is produced by the breathing of exhalation. This is the same mechanism to speak of, only used to involuntaria.2
It occurs when an internal or external stimulus is processed in areas of the primary, secondary and multimodal combination of the central nervous system. The treatment of emotion performed in the limbic system, which is probably responsible for potential riders including rice, including the expressions and movements of the muscles that control ventilation face and phonation. After processing the mentioned stimulus, several automatic motor is made widely vegetative arousal is made, the output through various means, including the hypothalamic pituitary axis and the autonomic nervous system. All these elements make the process of emotion, happiness in relation to already says, motor action called risa.8
There are two structures of the limbic system involved in the production of the rice: the amygdala and hippocampus.
Some studies [edit]
Laughing can be induced by stimulation of the nucleus subthalamicus, and in patients with recent work Parkinson’s.7 Itzhak Fried and disease al observed., Try Not To Laugh OR GRIN While Watch This Challenge! Best Funny and Fail Compilation Videos University of California, identified a brain area of the motor area called by stimulated by electrodes that when generated a smile And with a more intense stimulation, he laughed loudly. Additional motor area is very close to the linguistic area. This mechanism was discovered by chance because it was a young woman with epilepsia.9
Experiments were conducted to accurately determine which area is the sense of humor. In a study presented in 2000 by scientists from the University of Rochester, 13 subjects underwent fMRI, while their various subjects were performed. Their conclusions were that this function was in a small area of the frontal lobe. However, another team in London ran the same test on 14 people who were told jokes, and the results were that the brain was activated, the ventral prefrontal cortex and other regions involved in the speech processing when awarded the joke was in A game of palabras.10
Medical [edit]
Every time we laugh less. Children 7-10 years old laugh about 300 times a day, while adults are still laughing less than 80 times a day. There are people who rarely laughed, and even people who felt the need not to feel reírse
Studies since the 1980s by Lee S. Berk psiconeuroinmunólogo and colleagues have shown over the years a series of positive effects of laughter on December 11,
Some stress indicators decreased during episodes of laughter, relative to the lower levels of adrenaline and cortisone.
Laughter production of antibodies and the activation of cells such as, for example, increased protection of cytotoxic lymphocytes or T-lymphocytes that produce cellular immunity are important to prevent the formation of tumors.
The joy and laughter and repetitive laughter improve mood, cholesterol levels in the blood to lower and regulate the blood pressure.Try Not To Laugh OR GRIN While Watch This Challenge! Best Funny and Fail Compilation Videos
More recently (2010), Berk found a link between a laughter and appetite, so similar to the rice increases the appetite in a way to moderate exercise. According to these studies, while reducing the level of leptin and ghrelin increases the blood rate.)