関東で「つむじ風」 サッカーの試合も中断|ニュース 動画 News24h



“Tsujiya” football game also suspended in Kanto





On the 4th, when it was a hot day, ‘Tsujiyuu’ which winds up the earth in various parts of Kanto was seen. On the picture taken at Ibaraki / Mito city before noon

4, it is reflected that a big ‘whirlwind’ occurred on the soccer ground. At that time, during the high school soccer game, the game was suspended for about 10 minutes.

Also, around 1:30 p.m., sightings in the Kanto region continued one after another, including the occurrence of a ‘whirlwind’ of brown sand at Kawasaki city riverbeds. According to the

Japan Meteorological Agency, it is believed that in the Kanto area the sun got widespread from the morning of the 4th, and the ‘heated whirl’, where the heated air near the ground rose and winds up the soil.

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