38人死傷 白人至上主義者デモで衝突 米|ニュース 動画 News24h



38 people Crusaded rice with dead white people supremacist demonstrations






There was a conflict between demonstrations conducted by Caucasian supremacists in the state of Virginia America and those protesting against it. Three people were killed and 35 people were injured so far, including a car rushing into the crowd and a state helicopter that had been compromised crashed. According to

NBC TV and others, people protesting demonstrations and demonstrations of people appealing white supremacy at Charlottesville, Virginia on Tuesday evening collided.

Collisions continued for 12 days, some people crashed into the crowd with cars in the afternoon, and another state helicopter that had responded crashed. Three people are killed and 35 people are injured so far due to a series of riots, while the governor of Virginia state issued an emergency declaration to the state, although the cause of the car rushing in the background and the helicopter crash was not known There. About this collision President Cardinal said:

‘Strongly condemnate hatred, prejudice and violence of people in different positions’ – President Trump is calling on ‘stop hatred and division’ and stop violence.

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