【✿Nikki✿】 News 39「ニュース39」 (English Cover) WIP



Hey guys! So I been writing my own lyrics to covers lately so I wanted to show you what I been up to! Mitchie M’s music always puts me in such a good mood and this song Is just contagiously catchy! These are the lyrics I have written so far. Since they are not done, I ask you please do not use them until I finish them. Anyway, here they are so far!

Good afternoon. Bringing you the 3 o’clock news!

Starting 10am today, a dog met with her dismay
When suddenly she fell right into a river
Then a humble homeless man, sprawling out right from his hands
Gotten her onto a safe and dry land

Right afterwards, the owner rushed down to greet them
He started to cry, people passing by
Smiling he offered the poor man a job
A happy ending for us all

Hey come and view news 39
Where there is love, happiness, and good times
Now brining you news 39
No more somber and blue, only cheerful happy news

Starting from 3 to 9
Hey now the world isn’t so bad all the time
La la la la la la la laaaa
These are the stories that will brighten up your day