【皇室ニュース】愛子さま 「海外デビュー」実現か?! & ネットの声



【皇室ニュース】愛子さま 「海外デビュー」実現か?! & ネットの声




4 件のコメント

  • へー?まともに学習院に行かずに、海外旅行?良い御身分ですね。

  • Masako Owada Chang & Naruhito, What do you think you are ? They are the war criminals against Japanese taxpayers during WW II, They have never visited Japanese victims of their WW II,711 Kobe Earthquake and 311 Tohoku Earthquake, Japanese imperial families traditional shrines and events, stealing the imperial crown and sold out to the Netherlands/Switzerland dealers for the Zainichi Korean Owada Chang families luxurious life,.
    Togu Palace must be closed and they must be arrested and death punishment for their treason . They’re inviting the Korean war by supporting KCIA , their dad Vice-Foreign Minister Hisashi Owada Chang wrote and created “the 1993 Kono statement (Ko-no danwa) issued (Kono – Owada Chang KCIA/CIA created Big Lie Issue to betray Japanese War victims and taxpayers ) with his LDP Chief Cabinet Seceratary Kono Yohei, and Vice President Keizo Obuchi, pushing Mizuho bank to support Korean Government , recommending South Korea’s former foreign minister Ban ki moon to the United Nation’s current Secretary-General to G. W Bush by using enormous Japanese taxpayers money through Mizuho Bank. No more war for these Chinese Korean war planners & tax money thief criminals . Close the filthy Togu Palace. Build Akishino palace there for the real Japanese and war victims.

    • Emperor Fumihito Akishino of Japan is the only choice . Abe Ministry & tax payers must change the crown laws – Emperor must have a male successor (for 2676 years – the Male order) .
      Both of the ugly Chink Gorilla Masako and her puppet-monkey daughter Aiko have typical Korean Chinese DNA of Psychiatric disorders with plastic surgery school refusal behavior for 3 months.
      They are simply making more and more trouble & shame . they (Korean Chinese blood Masako-Aiko) have zero effort by themselves but parasite other countries and tax money. Typical members of the SGI /Moonies cult Korean Chinese and KCIA spies of trashes.

  • 義務教育の期間中も、愛子内親王殿下(とその替え玉)はほとんど登校できていませんでした。予想したとおり、高校入学早々欠席続きとのリークが出ています。
