【皇室ニュース】雅子さま 積極的なご公務 妹である渋谷節子さんへのメッセージ



【皇室ニュース】雅子さま 積極的なご公務 妹である渋谷節子さんへのメッセージ




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    • +皇室ニュース さん

    • すいませんでした。m(_ _)m
      ありがとうございますm(_ _)m

  • The Pygmy stupid has invited Zainichi Korean KCIA bad luck troublemaker in the imperial house. He must shoot in the head by himself or leave the imperial house with those Korean Chinese mix bitches, nobody cares.
    Masako and Hisashi Owada family are the worst things in the Japanese imperial and Japan’s political history.
    The Murayama and The Kono Statement and Sex slave deception projects are created by those KCIA spies when their dad Hisashi had worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affair Japan. Korean Chinese Syngman Rhee, SGI/KCIA Hisashi Owada Chang and Masako Owada Chang are trained there in the Harvard University for their Korean Chinese Big Lie Propaganda promotions .

    • God hates KCIA Mata Hari the filthiest woman Masako Owada, Masako wasn’t a virgin when she married with the Japanese 35 year old virgin crown prince Naruhito she rejected the royal house demand their traditional ” virgin pride medical exam ” on all royal ladies before they married with the Crown Princes in spite of another crown prince Fumihito’s fiancee Kiko had accepted that medical exam without any problems ) is probably exaggerated, she had more than 3 ~ 5 intimate boy friends in the US/GB like a Aung san suu kyi (CIA US/CCIA-Hong Kong Taiwan Macao Shanghai /MI5 GB) and these Satan’s CIA/KCIA Anglo-Chinese alliance collaborators (biggest deceivers filthy women spies)- Because they have always hated ( Hide ) the truth, because there is no truth in them – they created more and more peril .. They’re typical Korean Chinese …biggest liars, deceivers and murderers . Masako, Aiko, Naruhito must be uncrowned immediately. Otherwise those 3 will be Japan’s extreme national symbol of the chaos ,depressions and perils.
      Guess who will be happy for it ? The militarist ,Fascist, Expansionist China (2 Korea) -Trump-Bush USA because their common enemy has been Japan in the West Pacific. They want steal more and more Japan’s wealth ,territory,lives and bloods for Satan.
      30 Years After Mercury Poisoning at Minamata Massive murder = Notorious Bold thief Egashira & Masako Owada Owada Family (CIA/KCIA-trained her in the Harverd Univ).
      killing 700 people and crippling as many as 9,000 others here.
      65 years after those South Korean Chinese Military Invasion of Takeshima ,Massive Murder = Notorious Bold thief Shyngman Rhee(CIA/KCIA-trained him and his wife in the Harvard Univ )
      killing 45 people, abducted and tortured as many as 4,500 others here.
      “Those who (Kids) don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” … Let us not repeat the same mistakes over and over again.”
      KCIA spy Masako Owada and her puppet Naruhito must abdicate the throne removed from imperial family,its country .
      If they want to stay in the imperial palace,they must show the medical documents and scientific perspective on cure of Masako Owada’s mentally illness and paranoid.
      Otherwise she totally does not qualify enough for the empress to the status of national symbol.

  • 雅子さん公務頑張るのは悩んでいる妹へのメッセージ?って記事だけど、国の為の公務はドタキャンで妹の為なら頑張れるって事?妹には親がついてるでしょう?雅子さんは皇室に入ったんだから陛下の生前退位の話が出る前から公務出来たのでは?これからはしっかり公務やって欲しい。外国に行くよりもまずは国内の公務、宮中行事頑張って欲しい。愛子さんの事とかで公務ドタキャンしないでね。侍従に任せてね。紀子さんは子供と離れて公務頑張ったんですから。立派ですね。