【皇室ニュース】かつて皇太子妃候補であった旧皇族の久邇晃子さん 原発への問題提議



【皇室ニュース】かつて皇太子妃候補であった旧皇族の久邇晃子さん 原発への問題提議


引用:文藝春秋 2011年12月号

2 件のコメント

  • No! I disagree. Fukushima’s people should have nothing to worry about. It was NOT a melt down, just a hydrogen explosion.
    I want her to top spreading fear propaganda which appeals to fear seek to build support by instilling anxieties and panic in Fukushima , Japan. That will only help for the Anglo-Chinese (Korean) alliance KCIA CCIA CIA/SGI Chinese Korean US Governments who want colonize Japan under their rule. Even a little radiation is better for the health.
    Exposure to such low-level radiation is under investigation in Japan, where it has been successfully used to suppress cancer by strengthening immune system defenses and promoting DNA repair. There is good evidence that low level radon stimulates super-oxide dismutase, a powerful antioxidant that blocks free radical damage, and ATP, the source of energy for all cells.
    The important thing to remember is that you need to make your own decisions about what is safe because the “truth” may not prevail until harm has already been done. You must take control of your own health, in order to gauge what’s right for you based on your individual circumstances. It was made by US GE company the oldest and defected one. Problem was maintenance and bad cost-cut cheep small and thin container of it. It was already warned by some professional security people for 65 years but they ignored it. That was the problems . As a matter of fact all other 24 Nuclear Power plants (Hitachi/Toshiba/Mitsubishi ..) made in Japan had no damage even that quake was the extremity highest magnitude in the 100 years on the earth .

    • Yes. I agree Mikael, Japan had been continued the very best efforts for developing the nuclear energy for 65 years ,
      Now Japan focuses on the technological evolution of reliable nuclear power plants. The best thing Japan-EU-taxpayers fully trust our scientists. All though, Emperor Hirohito & his Empress had wished their unfortunate grandson Narihito’s wife would be her – the Japanese psychological doctor and an Imperial aristocrat lady Kuni – One of Naruhito’s wife candidates in 1988. Lady Kuni – the true aristocratic bloodlines back to the imperial houses of Japan.