熱湯、火あぶり…猫13匹殺害か 男逮捕|ニュース 動画 News24h


Hot water, burning … 13 cats murdered or arrested





A man with a tax accountant who seems to have killed at least 13 animals was caught, catching a cat and putting hot water or sticking with a gas burner. Mr. Makoto Ohya, 52, a tax accountant who lives in Saitama City, was arrested on suspicion of violating the animal welfare law. According to the Metropolitan Police Department, Oya suspected that he killed three stray cats captured in Wana in the hut of Fukaya city, Saitama Prefecture from last year to this year, killing by repeatedly boiling hot water or sticking with a gas burner It is leaning.

Oya was photographed with a movie to shoot killing, made to be downloadable on the Internet, and on the net bulletin board it was said that it was called ‘god’ from people called ‘animal abuse lovers’ and so on. According to the investigation, Oya allegedly told that the police official had killed at least 13 animals so far because he said that ‘what I did is exterminating harmful animals is not a law breach’ ing.

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3 件のコメント

  • 違うじゃないですか。黒ムツと称する人たちから”カルおじ”と呼ばれていた、ですよ。ああ、お痛わしや、カルおじ様。貴方のご尊顔、こんな形で拝見したくなかった・・・。

  • 猫が味わった恐怖 苦痛 全てを味わせてやりたい。命をなんだと思ってるんだろう...異常としか思えない。

  • ついに公権力の刃の前に倒れてしまったかカルおじ・・・。