Charlie Charlie Pencil Game Funny Story Compilation [Charlie Charlie Pencil Game Compilation]


Charlie Charlie Pencil Game Funny Story Compilation [Charlie Charlie Pencil Game Compilation]
A bizarre new Twitter craze called the CharlieCharlieChallenge has taken the internet by storm.

Thousands of youngsters are experimenting with the ouija board-inspired game, with many claiming they’ve been able to communicate with a Mexican ghost called Charlie.

Here’s everything you need to know about the fad.

What is the #CharlieCharlieChallenge?
It’s a dubious rite – supposedly an “ancient Mexican tradition” involving placing two pencils on a piece of paper in the shape of a cross, before writing the words yes and no inside the four squares formed by the pencils.

Brave (or gullible) participants must then repeat the words “Charlie, Charlie are you here” to summon a visit from a demon.

If the pencil moves and points to yes, Charlie is in the house and you can draw upon his demonic life experience and ask him for guidance in the form of yes/no questions

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1 個のコメント

  • Charlie Charlie do you believe in the fundamental laws of gravity and the
    ability to summon demons through wooden pencils filled with graphite *Ya*
    OH MY GOD DID ANYONE SEE THAT!? Charlie Charlie do you think wind or simply
    blowing on the pencils can affect the outcome *No* Charlie should every 11
    year old stop trying to tickle your balls and summon real ghosts using a
    quiji board *Hell Yeah!*

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